


After a good night’s sleep, I was pleased to have my favorite breakfast in the world: fruits!!! All cut, nothing to do expect enjoying the mango!

I met the kids at the church and they were all on time. I met Clara, another one, not a mirror ;) who was going to be our guide during ths morning activity. We then took about 2 and a half hour ride on a bus to the Sarapiqui jungle. On the way, Clara gave us various Costa Rican facts. Once we arrived, we hopped on a boat to enjoy a very nice boat tour. 

The whole ride was extremely beautiful and we witnessed some amazing wildlife. There were a few lizards and iguanas, some Congo monkeys lingering in a tree and bats.

Congo Monkeys

 Small Bats

Huge Iguana: can you see it ;)

Jesus Christ's lizard: because he runs very fast and can "walk" on the water 

As I was speaking with Clara, I spotted a yellow thing in the tree, looking twice: it was a toucan! I was very pleased to have seen it from far away. We got nearer and had one of the best sights I ever had. It was a gorgeous toucan snacking on an iguana for lunch!!! Clara told us that is was very unusual to see a Toucan eating an iguana, she herself, in 4 years had never seen such a thing.

 The famous Toucan eating an iguana

After the ride, we ate lunch and the kids strolled around the souvenir shop. Then, we got on the bus to drive back. I felt asleep and I woke up thinking we had an accident: the kids were screaming and one of the girls was lying on the top of a seat, her head and upper body in one row and her legs in the next row!! Clara and I really thought we were in a zoo! I calm them down in a second. O my first impression was a bad one: I will have to be very careful with them and put strict rules.

Once at school they took their placement tests: written and oral. Then it was time to go back home!

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