
Surprise and another one and yet another one!


I love being on Holliday!  First because you can sleep as much as you want which is an important factor and secondly because you can organize your time also as you want.
This morning it was cleaning time: Wash, dry and iron my clothe. Not a lot of fun but it was necessary. I had to iron everything I brought because the continuous packing, unpacking…make it necessary.
At midday I went to have lunch with Meggie in a small coffee-bakery 10 minutes from the school. We had a huge wrap with chicken: it was sooo good! Quite expensive for Monteverde but it was worth it!

In the afternoon I spent some time to prepare my French class with Royner. Today it will be numbers, day of the week, months and dates on one part and on the second part we are going to study a song called “l’oiseau et l’enfant” from Marie Myriam. He told me he loved this song so I find it would be a good way of practicing his French and also working on pronunciation and vocabulary. I always found the language classes much better when we were studying songs or short TV programme. Time to test it by myself!

At 5pm we went with Meggie and Nanou to the city centre of Santa Elena to do some shopping and spend some time together. Back at my place Meggie cooked because she doesn’t have anything in her room except a bed: I’m really lucky with my flat! At 8 I went to the school for the French class. We had a great time and Royner is so quick to learn! We read all the numbers once and after he was able to say complex numbers as 870 or 1981 or 1493. I must admit that I was impressed…but don’t tell him I said so :P
He gave me a wonderful news: I’m going to give private French classes to an Austrian girl! I’m very excited about it especially as I’ll be paid for those ;) I’m a bit stressed because I have no idea about her level so I think it’s going to be a bit awkward at first. We’ll see!

Walking back home I had another surprise! I see something moving 5 meters from where I was. I first thought it was a cat but when I looked again: there were 2 raccoons looking back at me! First time in my life that I see wild raccoons and I even think it’s the first time I see raccoons. I was lucky to have some food in my backpack so, moving very slowly, I open my bag, open the box and gave some to them. The time they used to eat it allowed me to take out my camera and take some pictures. Enjoy the views!

1 commentaire:

  1. Génial la rencontre des ratons laveurs !!!! J'adore ;-)
    Bises. Caro&Boy
