
What a birthday!


First of all thank you very much for all your kind, crazy and wonderful messages! I had an amazing birthday.  It was a long one this year: 1 day and 8 hours! Indeed I started receiving your messages at 4pm at Costa Rican time on the 10th. I enjoyed them immensely and was a good way of beginning my Bday. 
At 6pm I had my second French class with Christine. It went smoothly and we planned to have another one on the 24th of May. After the class I went to the supermarket to buy everything to make gallo pinto and French toast. Royner came to taste this French dish and we had fun speaking about the difference between France and Costa Rica. For example, a teacher will never ever correct in red here in Costa Rica, it would be like an “aggression” for the students and the parents can come to the school to ask for explanation… I was impressed! Here they correct in blue or black.

On the 11th, your messages kept me happy all day long as well as the wishes from my colleagues. Grettel and Arelys even sang when I entered the office! It was very funny! They offered me a very nice birthday card where everyone wrote a word. That’s so cute! It’s going to be a very good memory once back in Europe.

At 2pm I went to the bakery to buy a cake. I asked everyone if they could give me 5 minutes of their time and come to the lunch zone. It was so funny because I just wanted to cut the cake, give them a piece and that’s all. But they told me I couldn’t cut the cake without blowing a candle…but where to find a candle in a school?? They got the solution: a celery branch and matches. HAHAHA

Eva went to find a guitar and she was playing it while the other were singing: IT WAS JUST SO GOOD! We ate the cake and went all back to work.


At 5:30 I went back to my flat to make Gallo Pinto(=rice and beans) for the next day breakfast. They I….went to bed! Yes I dared jajaja, a small nap before getting ready and going out with Meggie, Royner, Muni, Adrian and Luis. The night was just huge! This was Karaoké night and even if we didn’t sing (they never put our songs!) we had a great time listening to the other and dancing. The DJ only put two Salsas, I was away for the first one so was only able to dance once L but whatever, we had a great time and Luis even taught me Machata. The party was just great!!! Enjoy the photos!

Back at 3:30am and alarm clock at 6:30… we only live once! PURA VIDA!
Thanks again for all your messages!

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