
Peru... You're right it's not in Colombia but read and you'll understand!


We woke up at 6am and left the hostel at 7:15am with a taxi to go the Brazilian port, 10 minutes from where we stayed. There, a little boat was waiting for us and we started our journey to go deep into the Amazonian forest in…Peru!! It was a nice trip but it was hard to realize we were on one of the biggest river in the world. 

 Floating supermarket
 Enjoying the same: what a shame!!!

Ok ok..I didn't say anything!

We saw some dolphins but from very far away, it was a quite windy and sunny day: two factors they don’t like.  It was therefore impossible to take photo of them, even with the zoom.

We arrived to Peru, the land- as we were already in Peru but on the river- and met our guide: Mauricio. 

We walked during approximately an hour to arrive to the hotel, next to a lake and in the middle of the forest.
 A very colourful tree.
 Tree called "man tree"..any idea why?
 Some snails in the middle of the forest...thanks birds!
 Natural orange dye (No I didn't try to dye my hait with it..maybe I should have tried!)

Once there we had an hour to rest and my dad and I went to the hammock to rest, to read and even to sleep!

Mauricio came to wake us up for lunch. It was a good buffet for all the guests of the hotel, ie 10 persons. We had some fried chicken and fish, salads, soup and rice. It was all delicious.

After lunch we had again time to rest and went to our room as it was ready by that time. We slept for 30 minutes or better to say that my dad sleep and I read my book. I bought in Medellin two book of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and the “news of a kidnapping” is just a great book. It’s all the stories about the kidnapping of journalist in Colombia due to the traffic of drogues and Pablo Escobar. It’s a very interesting book and I read 200 pages in 3 days^^’ It’s without to say that our short night are even shorter by now :-) I recommend this book but don’t expect a fairy tale (who would expect that from a book dealing with drogues and kidnapping?)

At 2pm we left to hike in the jungle. It was just marvelous as we were lost in the middle of the Amazonian forest. Sometimes we were on a path, a second later we were next to it and another second later we were making the path thanks to a machete.
 I didn't lie!
While walking I had a stupid question in my head: "what if the guide left us???"

It was very interesting as we were really discovering and enjoying the wild jungle. Mauricio picked a yellow seed for us, do you know what it is?

Congratulation to those who found that is was a Cacao seed. We opened it and tasted it. The white jelly around the little seeds inside was very sweet and it was nice to suck it. The seed in itself was a bit bitter and had nothing to see with chocolate…strange!
We also tried water from a liana and coca leaves. It was all very interesting.
We walked during 2:30 hours and went back to the hotel, took a shower and went…once again resting in the hammock. It was soo nice. We were able to enjoy the sunset….

or my book :-)

After dinner we went on a little boat and went on the lake which was near the hotel (part of the hotel is on the water ie photos) to look for caiman. We weren’t lucky during the first hour even if my dad was able to see one escaping and a pair of eyes of another one. For my part, being at the back of the boat, the time Mauricio pointed it, it was too late. 

Mauricio took his shirt off and I thought he was just hot… no senores! 10 minutes later we went back to the first spot where they had seen a caiman and this time Mauricio was able to catch it! We went back with it to the hotel and were able to take it in our hands and take photos.

Then it was time to go to bed. We were able to rest a lot today but the heat was stifling all day long which makes you quite tired.

 Tomorrow:  sun rising, fishing and departure for Bogota.

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