
First day in CPI

Hola a todos!!! Oups... Time for some English!

Today the alarm clock was at 8:15am but I woke up an hour before... Balance of the night...11hours' sleep were enough for me AND for the mostiquoes who bit me 13 times...
When I went out of my room a nice surprise was waiting for me: Maria had made a breakfast  for me and everything was ready on the table: fesh orange juice and a plate with pineapple, melon, watermelon, banana and papaye...all ready to eat! What could I ask more? It was better than in a five-star hotel!

Maria came in my room to announce me good news: I would not have to get lost in the town trying to find my way to the CPI: A friend of hers was going to drive me there! So nice! I arrived a bit in advance at 9:35am instead of 10am, I prefered to be in advance than to be late! I had an appointment with Muni. She called 15 minutes later to tell me that she had missed the bus and would not be there before 11am. It was a great news for me because I had to do some shopping and took advantage of that time to do so. As the little shop in front of the school didn't accept Dollars but only colones I went to the city center to find some. It was a good opportunity to visit a bit more the city.

Old coffee fields

After 25 minutes, going in every direction, I found a bank...but it was closed for renovation: lucky me! Fortunately they had intalled an ATM machine in a truck [yes yes...a truck :)] next to the bank. It was a strange feeling to withdraw 20 000 at once.... well ok it was 20 000 colones so around 30€ but whatever it was still funny...or at least I found it funny :P

Back at the school, I was able to do my shopping and discover a bit more about the school. At 11:30am Muni arrived at the school and she gave me a lot of information about everything here in CPI. We got through the basic and important information and then we moved on to see all the information about the group of tonight. I'm going to work 2 weeks with her and after will be on my own! Looking back at all the information she gave me....I'm a bit scared!
We went to have lunch together and I had "casados" which is a typical meal of Costa Rica. The name refers to the eternal "marriage" of its components, consisting of rice and beans, meat or fish, fried plantains, and a carrot, tomato, and cabbage salad. I had a Chicken Casado and it was ENORMOUS and delicious!

Muni is a very nice person and I'm looking forward to working with her. Right now, we have free time, she got back to her host family and have a nap and I took advantage of that time to go back to the CPI, read the information and give news! We are going to meet again at 7 to go picking the group up at the airport. Then it will be dinner and check in at the hotel!

Tomorrow is another day and it will be MONTEVERDE Day :P See you all there!

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