
Monday why are you so hard?


Today was the first day of my group...hard!...Well everyone knows that monday morning is hard...3 students didn't wake up on time and arrived late. Their family didn't want to wake them up again, assuming that they were very tired...nice for the students...a bit less for the teachers waiting for them!
At 9am we called the public school where they were supposed to have 2 hours of lessons...nice in the idea...a bit less in the practice...the 3 teachers where sick so impossible for the students to see the classes. We couldn't cancel because the students and their teachers were expecting it so we made something up. 3 students from the school learning Turism came to show us around and explain how the school works. It was very interesting because different from what they have in the state (and what we have in Europe). In Costa Rica highschool takes 5 years but not in this school. They do 6 years: 3 general and for the next 3 years they need to choose a speciality: ecological turism, catering, animal production... In the school they have pigs, chickens and cows. The students learning about production need to look after them. It's also a way of making money for the school. They sell milk, eggs and meat.
We ended the presentation near the football/basketball pitch where some students were playing. As we still had a lot of time, they guys were allowed to play a game. It was Tico against Americans. The latest group had good cheerleaders and the girls even invented a song to support them. It wasn't enough as they lost 2-0.... But we had a great time!

We then attended to a football game opposing grade 10th to grade 9th (for the French it would be Seconde contre Première). We cheered on the Cacahuetes (=peanuts) team as 2 of our guides were in this team. We must have had very bad cheerleaders' skills as when we left for lunch they were loosing 3-0. We went to the Trapiche...remember what is it? Sugar cane? Aaaah now you got it :P Once again we had a great time.

Back to CPI where we had a short introduction about the volunterring opportunity of the next day with sir Guillermo.

And the day is still not class!!!! Only one word to describe it: FUN!!! And the conclusion of the class?? I'm definitely not a dancer!! Jajaja

Then time for the kids to go back home and for me to go back to the office. It was Grettel and Arelys' birthday and Grettel was going out to celebrate it with friends and invited me. I was tired but I had already refused last time to go out because I was too tired so I decided to go. We decided to meet at 8pm to go to have dinner in "Amigos" a bar in the city center.

We were four girls: Grettel, Meggie, her friend Sarah and I. Next table were four americans can add: we finished to eat all together at a big table. It was funny. Kevin and Travis quitted their job to come 2.5 months in Costa Rica and 2.5 months in Thailand. Would you dare do the same?? They met Luis and Shaun at the hostal and ended up going out all together. Kevin tried to make me dance but it was a disaster! I stayed 2 songs and then went back to my chair. They offered us a drink and I had a Baileys...Yammy...At least here they are not stingy: this is a single Baileys:

At 10:30pm I was too tired to stay more with them and took a cab to go back home: 1000colones=2$ =1,4€ :D Nice price :D

Today was a long day but a nice day!

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