
A small world!


World is small!!!
I woke up like 10 times during the night, scared not to hear my alarm clock and to be late! I finally got up at 4am, got ready and had breakfast. Even if I told her not to get up for me, my "mama tica" got up and made me breakfast with some pieces of fruit, all ready to eat: nothing to peel, nothing to do, just enjoy the food!

Chiquitin went to pick me up at 5am and we went to the airport. I was stressed as never...worse than before an exam...which means a lot for those who know me well ;)
I think I must have a problem with the doesn't like me^^ When I got there: no flight was planned for 5:21 as it was shown on my schedule :S :S But one was at 5 so I assumed it would me mine. I waited for my students and they went out at 6:30am. Their Chaperon, Guy-Jo was very nice and we got on very well. I was still stressed but a bit less, the chaperon was all right ;) It took nearly 40minutes to put the bags on the bus because we had to put them on the roof, tie and cover them. I took that time while Chiquitin was on the rrof taking care of the luggages to introduce myself to the group, give them some info about Costa Rica and some rules about their stay.
They were all tired so I didn't insist and we went out of the airport. On friday it was the birthday of the 2 teachers so they sang in the bus...they sang in English.... in Spanish...and....and.... IN FRENCH!!!! I think my heart missed a beat! I looked at the chaperon:

"do you all speak French???"
"no all, 5 of them speak fluently French. I also do, I lived in Switzerland when I was little. Do you speak French?"
"I am French!!"
"Non c'est pas possible! Tu viens d'où?" (=Impossible! Where are you from?)

We kept speaking a bit in French and I relaxed immediately! Everything was going to be fine with this group. If unfortunately at one point I wasn't able to explain in Spanish or English, I could always do it in French! The stress went far far away!

The world is even smaller than that!
We kept speaking in French with Guy and he couldn't believe when I told him I was from Strasbourg. Indeed, he went there with a group last year and the students learning French were right now the International Highschool of Strasbourg...which is also...MY highschool!!!! The world is so so small! We kept speaking about the school and the teachers we both know (NO COMMENT!)

We stopped for breakfast and it was funny to see the students looking at the dish with strange faces "can we eat that?" jajaja! Yes you can and it's good!
We got at Monteverde at 11am and we were all very tired. The guys went to have their test and while waiting to do the oral part we had fun playing stupid games. One of them was the "animal hunter". The rules is quite simple, you stick a picture of an animal in the back of a student so that he can't see it but the other can. Then the student needs to ask question to guess the animal. "how many legs does my animal have?" or "Is it blue? Green?..." etc... until he finally finds it. Of course, all the questions and answers must be in Spanish... Very funny especially as they were a bit tired so they were making up spanish words :D

In the afternoon, we went to the city center of Santa Elena and we did a Treasure hunt. I asked them to find 17 items in the town like the police station, a picture of a butterfly, a restaurant....and the bonus item was a Chess board. There is only one in Santa Elena and to find it you need to enter a shop, and it's in the middle, you can't see it from outside. I thought I would have them searching for the whole hour and was AMAZED whenafter 25minutes one of the groups came back with everything!!! A nice achievement! I had to offer them an ice cream because they did a great job and deserved it!

Back to school to meet the families. Afterwhat I worked a bit in the office to put online the photos of the first day (so that their parents can follow what they are doing) and did some paperwork. I then went to my appartment, the same I was using two weeks ago. I still don't have hot water but I enjoyed my shower anyway and went directly to bed. I took advantage of having the wireless back during the evening to that online with some of you ;) When I saw 9:00 I cursed myself to be online so late, closed the laptop and slept like a baby. I woke up by myself at 6:15am, 3 minutes before my alarmclock....SO GOOD!!!!

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