


What a nice feeling to get up at 5am, well rested! Well it's true that going to bed at 9:00 helps!
This morning the kids had free time so we didn't have to meet them. I did some work in the office and at 8:45 Muni and Chiquitin came to show me around so that I can know where everything is. It was quite nice to have a private visit and to learn a lot of anecdotes I'll be able to use with my groups.
That's something I really want to do:

The afternoon went smoothly, I kept working on administrative task: questionnaire and certificates.

On the afternoon we had a surprise: RAIN!!!!

It's raining and I'm happy! You might think "she's crazy"...but i'm NOT called Loca for nothing ;)
To be more serious, I was happy at first because everyone told me than in Monteverde there is always a lot of rain but that's nothing to see with the European rain...I wanted to check it by myself... well to be honest I was disappointed. It was a thin rain and it lasted for no more than 40 minutes... sure I'll have another chance to see heavy rain!

Let me introduce you to my other colleague Arelys, of should I say to my boss as she is head of the group's department where I'm working.

One in all... not a lot to say about today! 

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