


If I should sum up the day in one word I would definately say "FUN"

Today was really funny!
In the morning we went al Trapiche: anyone knows what is it?? ...No?? Maybe with a picture??
No?? Well I didn't either before this morning. Let's give basic explanation.

A Trapiche is a mill used to extract the juice of certain fruits of the earth, such as olive or sugar cane. It uses the force of animals to grind sugar cane in order to extract the juice from which sugar is removed.

How does it work?? Let me show you!

We learnt a lot of things about bananas, plantains and sugar cane. It was really an interesting visit. We were able to taste some sugar cane know what? was...sweet!!! jajaja Loca!!!

 Cutting the sugar cane so that we can taste it!

Sugar cane half eaten...but I don't know who did that!! ;-)

 We also discovered all the steps to make coffee! 
From the plant...

To the drying part! (yes,yes, the coffee is white before being roasted)

Bananas and plantains: Do you know the difference?
Which is what? Have a guess!

Next question: what's that plant? Easy no??
Do you know how long it takes this fruit to  grow? I was amaized by the answer!!

At the end the kids even had the opportunity to make candies with sugar cane syrop. They made: peanuts, coconuts and chocolate. Of course, we had to taste favourite was peanuts! The chocolate one was too sweet and the coco didn't have a strong flavour enought so you could hardly taste it.


Peanuts + Sugar Cane sirop = Yammy!

The lunch was great! It was a buffet and there were a lot of vegetable!! Clara Feliz!!! LOL

And Chiquitin offered me a 250g packet of goooooooood!!!! So kind of him!!

On the afternoon, back to the office to do some administrative tasks! 
At 3pm I took a break and went back to my flat... a long long way from the least 30 seconds! Maybe 1 minute if I forgot my key in the office.... and made the crepe dough! As well as a Pineapple juice which was....hummm the best smoothie so far. I brough some to the office and everyone loved it. Smoothie Girl is back!! I'll also make some muffins when I come back to Monteverde. Now, leaving in 2 days, it's going to be too short to save the food if I have too much. From the crepe I still have a lot of flour and milk but fortunately, it can be kept quite easily while I'm not in Monteverde!

Tonight is Crepe party!!! Let's see what's going to happen!
Oh yes! I nearly forgot...tomorrow night...i'll take a dance class!!! Jajaja Poor people who are going to dance with me...hope they will bring good shoes...

Didn't show you my new car:.....
And always remember: PURA VIDA!!!

National symbol of Costa Rica: Guaria Morada

1 commentaire:

  1. que envidiaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! no necesitas una ayudante?!?!?! puedo llegar pasado mañana!!! hahahahahhaa
    diviertete un montón!!!!! como siempre claro... ;-)
