
20th Birthday of CPI


I had a nice present this week: a friend came to see me and wanted to stay with me...impossible to make it go away: when the flu is here, it stays! Hahaha
On Thursday I even lost completely my voice...funny to give your information to your students without a voice... It got better at the end of the day. Fortunately for me because it was raining hard on the ranch roof and Royner and I needed to yell to be understood.

But back to the main point of this article: the 20th anniversary of CPI.
This friday we had a big party at the "Cascada" of Monteverde. A very famous Costa Rican group came to play: La pimienta negra. We all had a blast. I danced 2 salsas with Johnny who was my guide for Rollins' group and the half of a dance with Royner because my boss Arelys came to ask me if she could dance with him...I couldn't hardly have say no :P I also danced Merengue with some ticos and I had a blast, they were very good so it was easy for me to follow their steps.
At 11pm we cut the amazing cakes that the CPI cook, dona Beatriz, had made while watching a movie made by Alejandro with all the workers and students of CPI dancing or doing stupid things (you can imagine who of the worker is in the second category :P) . We laughed a lot and I hope to be able to put in video on the blog because it’s hilarious!

We finished around midnight and Julian (another Chaperon), Royner and I went to have more fun at Mata E Cana. On the way there we stopped to look at the stars it was a beautiful sight and I was able to see my first ever shouting star! A wish later, we continued our journey ;)

Walking back home with Royner, our “kid” was waiting for us in front of the school. Banjo ran at us and Royner was falsely angry at him because Banjo first came to me and then to him. That can be easily explained because I bent down while Royner remained standing and I had also his pull on me so of course his smell. Banjo jumped on me, let me hug him for a second and then did a huge feast to Royner as if he hadn’t seen him in a month. It’s great to see the strong relation they have together. They are my Monteverde family.

 What a beautiful family picture Ja-ja-ja 

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